vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009


|fək| vulgar slang
verb [ trans. ]
1 - have sexual intercourse with (someone).
• [ intrans. ] (of two people) have sexual intercourse.
2 - ruin or damage (something).

According to Oxford Dictionary, "fuck" has two meanings
..that look like synonims.

Yeah, well..

...that's just, like... your opinion, man.

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

Un pre-infarct numit dorinta

Stiati ca orasele se murdaresc din cauza noptilor repetate? Fiecare lasare a intunericului pateaza, iar de cele mai multe ori tacerea tine loc de fixativ. Ceea ce imi convine. Imi place sa gust noapte si sa-mi murdaresc mainile de nergu bajbaind dupa un pahar de apa. Imi place lipsa sunetelor ce apasa cu putere in timpan. Imi plac luminile ce se sting, facand loc unui ne-lucru atat de serios. Si apropos.. inaintea cuvantului, la inceput, a fost intunericul. Si linistea.

marți, 27 ianuarie 2009

Ein Zwei Die!

Un horror norvegian cu zombii nazisti, de data asta* cu rasete si mult mai multa lumina este un mod placut de a compensa lipsa albului din iarna asta. Compenseaza deasemenea si lipsa sangelui din corp. Numai bun ca remediu anti-stres.. nu il recomand sub nicio forma celor ce cred in speranta, Craciun fericit, adevar, glucide, programul tv, iphone, advertising si reduceri de 80%.

Trailer bine pus in site frumos, aici!

(Død snø) Dead Snow - directed by Tommy Wirkola (january 2009)

* - apropos de ultimul film cu nazisti (pe intuneric) - Outpost - (2008) by Steve Barker

Blood comming soon

Ultimele zvonuri confirma o zi de lansare (in UK): 17 iunie. Nici urma de trailer inca, poze ciudatele si un 9.1 pe imdb.. asa de incurajare. Hai sa fim cuminti, iunie este mai aproape decat pare.

Blood - The Last Vampire (directed by Chris Nahon)

luni, 26 ianuarie 2009


Uneori Microsoft face toti banii.

Afro Samurai - Namco Bandai Games (for Xbox 360 and shit)


Da! S-a lansat oficial ieri, iar azi l-am gasit pe un site torrentiac in perfecta stare de vizionare. Takashi Okazaki readuce in atentia fanilor un Afro Samurai reincarcat, gata sa taie tot si sa mai taie putin dupa. Subiectul e sangeros, intins pe un nou soundtrack RZA si.. eahh.. ce dracu' sa vrei mai mult? Search, download, open folder, play ..and get the fuck outta' here before this will be old news!

Afro Samurai - Resurrection (2009)

Flat line monday

O zi de rahat continua si cu stomacul plin.
Tot acolo, biensur.

Flat line monday

O zi de rahat incepe intodeauna pe stomacul gol.
La munca, biensur.

vineri, 23 ianuarie 2009

Sah Matt!

Probabil l-ati vazut deja (alaturi de cei 17,187,471 youtube-ri) pe Matt dansand ca un copil retard, prin toata lumea. Eu l-am aplaudat azi, multumita lui Manciuc (ce da berea de rigoare.. da, tot el!) Filmuletul se intinde pret de o melodie (also touching) si incearca din rasputeri sa-ti gadile glandele lacrimale. Eh, chiar reuseste ..daca stai bine sa te gandesti ca Matt danseaza ca un retard prin lume in timp ce tu privesti (ca un retard) la o lume ce pare din ce in ce mai departe. Long story short: Matt, you've made my day just dancing like a retard. You are a genious!

alte chestii la

via Manciuc (da.. bere!)

I Will Be Missed

Asthma causes adults to miss more than 14 million work days a year.

"Oh, the possibilities" - is now my slogan.
Fuck off Fisher-Price toys!

I would like to thank you not!

Mi-e foame. Nominalizarile la Oscar de anul acesta sunt saracacioase, plangacioase si lipsite de vlaga. Button, Milk, Reader si Nixon vor da cu pumnii si picioarele in dragalasul Slumdog Millionaire in timp ce fanii Batman vor schimba pe Shopping Channel. Celebra fraza: "Multe surprize anul acesta...bla bla.." nu are ce cauta in decor. Surprizele sunt la minim, filmele caldute iar actorii mai mult morti decat vii (da, a obtinut o nominlizare la best second). Amuzant mi s-a parut HellBoy (2) ce s-a strecurat cu o nominalizare pentru make-up (duuh!) si Iron Dude ce vrea macar un oscar pt sunet, daca Batman va face ravagii la efecte speciale. Cu o durere de stomac (foame) pe creier nu-mi ramane decat sa ma gandesc la o viitoare editie a Oscarurilor ce se va transforma intr-o adevarata batalie intre super-eroi (si filmele lor minunate). Ka-BOOM.. POW .. Sweeeeshh si pofta buna.

joi, 22 ianuarie 2009

Vitamina B13

Revin, ca si filmul in cauza. Banlieue 13 - Ultimatum. Pentru cei ce au placut prima parte va fi usor sa se delecteze cu topaieli, sarituri, impuscaturi, karate si explozii frantuzesti x 2. Plin de surprize si tatuaje, jucaria de mai sus introduce o serie de personaje (exotice) ale caror skills-uri ne amintesc (printre altele) la ce mai e bun parul prins in coada impletita. Asta daca nu am uitat clasicele filme kung-fu. (Si n-am uitat!) Pentru ceilalti, care au observat (ca vulturii) ca regia a picat pe mana lui Patrick Alessandrin, nu-i motiv de ingrijorare: screenplay-ul e tot al rotofeiului de Luc Besson ce pare ca si-a gasit un ucenic de nadejde. So: crash boom bang, alors? Qu'est-ce que tu regardes connard?

Banlieue 13 Ultimatum - réalisé par Patrick Alessandrin

Time to scare yourself

Desi Uwe Boll n-a fost o idee prea buna (de postat) ca producator executiv pentru "They Wait", filmul promite sperieturi pe cinste si mici amanunte horror ce te vor urmari cateva zile din intunericul camerei. Asta daca esti atras de gen, daca iti place la nebunie sa mori de frica.. sau orice altceva, numai sa nu te uiti pentru a-ti demonstra ca ai cojones. Try to grow a pair instead.

They Wait - 2007 directed by: Ernie Barbarash

Spidey facts

Vanduta si pre-vanduta, editia speciala "Amazing Spiderman" cu nr. 583 imi da batai de cap si de pret (afisata intre 12 si 150$ ..unele numere mergand si mai departe cu pretul absurd). Ca la usa cortului. Agitatia partial justficata, nu va cruta pe cei ce cred ca se vor linisti lucrurile mai tarziu. Oh, no mister.. this will be hell!


end of day

Seara se se strang pe la colturi, ramasite de zi trista (romaneasca), planuri de viitor, maruntis in buzunar si toti zombii de la Eroilor. Dar nu asta e ideea cum sa hack-uiesti un panou luminos de circulatie. Daca gasesti unul.


miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2009

..and finally shoot'em!

dupa cum spuneam, shoot!

Daca nu-i poti bate, alatura-te lor!

Si pentru ca arata ca o poza de la munca (de la mine) tin sa mentionez ca orice asemanare de nume, compozitie si culoare este pur intamplatoare si nevinovata (sau nu). Pentru rasete in cascada si tavalire spontana pe jos, recomand colectia de specimene de aici. Este probabil cea mai numeroasa colectie de genul asta descoperita (de mine) pana azi. Treasure it men!

PS: ..and please no Tedd(b)y Boys jokes!

You said it, man.

"Nobody fucks with the Jesus"

o mizerie de calitate, via Manciuc

Why oh why

Alte outdoor-uri lipsite de vreun dumnezeu (nu ca asta ar fi ceva rau) se tot ridica prin America. Amuzant este cum imi sar in browser din cand in cand, ca si cum. Situri mai sunt, pentru cei ce s-au plictisit de dogme:, si multe alte explicatii, formulare de completat si bani de donat (doar daca esti inrait). Sincer sa fiu, imi plac layout-urile, copy-urile si reactiile inchizitorii ale majoritatii.

Revin cu ceva proaspat in cateva minute.


i need it. right-fucking-now.

marți, 20 ianuarie 2009

Am facut, deci exist

Din seria "lucruri pe care n-o sa le faca nimeni, poate doar intentionat, after-reading-this":
Mancam o banana cu mana stanga si molfaiam ceva din Carmen de Bizet mestecand, in timp ce cu mana dreapta faceam pipi.

Don't try this if you got personality or a bladder dysfunction.

Free From Fear

3 bilboard-uri ridicate (deocamdata) in San Francisco de Freedom From Religion Foundation (au si site), parte dintr-o campanie mai mare ce se petrece pe la ei pe acolo.
Co-Presedintele fundatiei spune:

"Those of us who are free from religion like to imagine a world where instead of wasting our best efforts on some unprovable afterlife, we humans could concentrate on leaving
this world a better place for future generations. We should strive for 'heaven' here on earth"

Partial siropos, utopic si in mare parte adevarat, mesajul domnului de mai sus nu este o relevatie a secolului ..dar la cat de ignorat este, cu atat mai mult putem vedea ce se intampla de obicei atunci cand vrei sa pui piedica controlului. Ce anume? Nimic.

Din fericire "arsul pe rug" este azi doar o expresie jurnalistica. Speram sa ramana asa.


Frogfull project based on a missing ad wrote by a kid. Enjoy and click. Forever click.

Stick it!

Is life that simple? Like a sticker or somethin'? Is it?

House is in the house

Celebrating ep.12

a comic by Brandon Kraemer

World Work III

"I bet you can operate a nice gas

shower,..I can see you with a couple
of S's on your collar and a stiff
goose in your step."

another day at work is commin' to an end.

quote from Rocknrolla

The man


Sincerly, me.

luni, 19 ianuarie 2009

What the fuck Day

Daca te trezesti la timp, poti evita o zi frumoasa, perfect sanatoasa si numai buna de lene. Daca se face 19.00 si tu crezi ca mai ai timp sa iti bagi picioarele.. ei bine, te inseli. Probabil e 20.00 si oricum ar fi, ziua a scapat printre degete. Am ras (totusi) la un moment dat cu telefonul in mana; am raspuns (numarul era total necunoscut) iar o voce feminina: "-Blagosloveste si iarta!", eu: "-poftim?", vocea feminina grabeste ritmul: "-Blagosloveste si iarta parinte..(pauza).. alo, parintele.. (n-am inteles numele) ?!?", eu: "-Cred ca ati gresit numarul.. si asta e de neiertat!", vocea vrea sa se scuze si decodifica cu greu raspunsul meu, inchide. Cuvintele cheie ale zilei de azi: Kubrik, Kaneda, Piritex, Ploiesti, Cadou, Cafea, FUCK!, PISS!, SHIT!, not connected, Pizdamatii, 60W.

sâmbătă, 17 ianuarie 2009


Doamna Chan, sotul si cei doi baieti sunt motivul pentru care ar trebui sa ma las pagubas de colectionat "jucarii". Sau poate inca un motiv sa continui. N-are importanta ...mai interesant ar fi making of-ul casei si faptul ca pachetele pe care le-am desfacut azi (cu ochii injectati) contin lucururi frumoase ce se pot regasi prin pozele din link. Din fericire, familia Chan nu este unicat iar lumea-i plina de colectionari ce si-au transformat casa si viata intr-un adevarat muzeu. Si da! ..e important sa stii ce sa cumperi pentru colectia ta, altfel risti sa treci din muzeu in depozit. Viceversa nu se aplica.

vineri, 16 ianuarie 2009

I'm so BEBOP!

S-o luam cu inceputul.. sau nu, mai bine uite care-i faza: Keanu Reeves "manipulat" cu maiestrie de producatorul lui preferat Erwin Stoff, sare din ultima lui jucarie (The Day The Earth Stood Still) intr-o minunata* adaptare a celebrei (si clasice) serii COWBOY BEBOP (acum imi trag rasuflarea). Repet cu bold si oleaca mai mare: COWBOY BEBOP., producatorii seriei se vor implica indeaproape in minunatul proiect (vorbitor de limba engleza, of course). Da, proiectul. Kenji Uchida, Shinichiro Watanabe (geniul) si scenaristul Keiko Nobumoto trec drept producatori asociati (ceea ce este mai mult decat speram). Dupa 11 ani de la prima aparitie televizata a celebrei animatii japoneze si 8 de la cinematografizarea lung metrajului (Cowboy Bebop - The Movie) a venit timpul sa mai asteptam vreo 2 pana cand Keanu va face rolul vietii lui!


Pana in 2011 va urez la multi ani de cateva ori, paste fericit si noapte buna.

* minunata cel putin pentru mine

WWIII is near. Dress up!

Mi-e sila sa va explic despre cat de important este sa ai personalitate si cum trebuie sa duci acest razboi zilnic cu mediocritatea si ignoranta samd. Pot in schimb sa va arat (vezi mai sus) cu ce as vrea sa descarc cateva incarcatoare (roz) in aer (sau dupa caz), asa de fericire. Detaliez:

The world should note the hand-crocheted shoulder-stock muffler and the anodized titanium plating. This fully functional firearm fires standard 7.62mm 125 or 150 grain ammunition with a muzzle velocity of approximately 710 meters per second and a maximum effective range of approximately 300 meters. Several choices in stock wood are available. With a limited run of
only 500, buy now before they're gone! A mere $100 extra includes Glambo's signature wood-burnt into the opposite side of the handguard.

A bargain at only $1072.95!

I know, i know, war is not fun.. but c'mon, we can change that!
yes we can!

Start Wars or ..whatever

Mic "experiment" facut pe Amanda, care ne povesteste (da, ar fi bine sa ai sunet la faza asta) trilogia Star Wars asa cum a "gustat-o" ea. Joe Nicolosi a inregistrat si animat, toata povestea. Tot el cred ca a ras cel mai mult. Press play, young padawan!

gasit pe si aruncat pe vimeo

joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

Buenas noches

Si ca sa nu visam urat (: curs euro, politica, metrou, noroi, advertising etc) recomand cu caldura, o delicatesa spaniola semnata F. Javier Gutiérrez. Goodie!!

Happy end sold separately.
"Tres Dias" - 2008

Cauta si vei ingalbeni

E pur si muove!

miercuri, 14 ianuarie 2009

Invade, feel like home!

Inaugurez rubrica asta noua cu una bucata minunatie pe care trebuie sa o am: Space Invaders Arcade Machine (Original TAITO Arcade Machine). Detaliez:

Price each: £2,344.13
Delivery: £75.00 (local)
Manufacturer: TAITO
Model: Upright
Type: Shooter
Weight: 117Kg
Game(s): Invaders
Warranty: 3 Months
Condition: good (3/7)

Product Description:
Endless invaders from outer space push your skill to limit. Can you defend the earth? Move your tank accross the bottom of the srceen to avoid the enemy missiles and fire your laser missiles to attack the aliens. The green bunkers are your only defence against the attacking aliens, use them wisely, for once they are gone, the invaders will have no trouble blowing you up. Occasionally a flying saucer will apear across the top of the screen. Shoot it down for extra points. Simple yet addictive sounds, intense gameplay and beautiful cabinet graphics.

YES, i fuckin' need it!!

Sign the fuck up!

Don't get excited... you have to make art before you promise not to make it again.

de prin


"You need not do anything.
Remain sitting at your table and listen.
You need not even listen, just wait.
You need not even wait,
just learn to be quiet, still and solitary.
And the world will freely offer itself to you unmasked.
It has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet."

Learn to be quiet - by Franz Kafka

Oh, brother

Azi am aflat ca al meu genetic brother si-a gasit portita de scapare si ca undeva spre toamna pleaca cu viitoarea lui sotie spre meleaguri hispanice (la parintii ei, pentru o perioada). De tot (citat). Ceea ce ma bucura peste masura si neasteptat, cam ca un castig la loto. Mi-am zis: "e poate cel mai bun lucru care i se putea intampla, doua dintr-o lovitura: fata si biletul de scapare..", si am continuat mirat: "..oare cel mai bun lucru care ti se poate intampla in Romania este sa pleci in alta tara?". Aparent si neoficial, cel mai bine ti-e cu dorul de tara ta si cu viata din tara altora. Ceea ce va urez si voua, imi doresc mie, si nu recomand celor cu ignoranta cronica.

marți, 13 ianuarie 2009

JJ rules!

by Jim Jarmusch | Published January 22, 2004

Rule #1: There are no rules. There are as many ways to make a film as there are potential filmmakers. It’s an open form. Anyway, I would personally never presume to tell anyone else what to do or how to do anything. To me that’s like telling someone else what their religious beliefs should be. Fuck that. That’s against my personal philosophy—more of a code than a set of “rules.” Therefore, disregard the “rules” you are presently reading, and instead consider them to be merely notes to myself. One should make one’s own “notes” because there is no one way to do anything. If anyone tells you there is only one way, their way, get as far away from them as possible, both physically and philosophically.

Rule #2:
Don’t let the fuckers get ya. They can either help you, or not help you, but they can’t stop you. People who finance films, distribute films, promote films and exhibit films are not filmmakers. They are not interested in letting filmmakers define and dictate the way they do their business, so filmmakers should have no interest in allowing them to dictate the way a film is made. Carry a gun if necessary.

Also, avoid sycophants at all costs. There are always people around who only want to be involved in filmmaking to get rich, get famous, or get laid. Generally, they know as much about filmmaking as George W. Bush knows about hand-to-hand combat.

Rule #3: The production is there to serve the film. The film is not there to serve the production. Unfortunately, in the world of filmmaking this is almost universally backwards. The film is not being made to serve the budget, the schedule, or the resumes of those involved. Filmmakers who don’t understand this should be hung from their ankles and asked why the sky appears to be upside down.

Rule #4: Filmmaking is a collaborative process. You get the chance to work with others whose minds and ideas may be stronger than your own. Make sure they remain focused on their own function and not someone else’s job, or you’ll have a big mess. But treat all collaborators as equals and with respect. A production assistant who is holding back traffic so the crew can get a shot is no less important than the actors in the scene, the director of photography, the production designer or the director. Hierarchy is for those whose egos are inflated or out of control, or for people in the military. Those with whom you choose to collaborate, if you make good choices, can elevate the quality and content of your film to a much higher plane than any one mind could imagine on its own. If you don’t want to work with other people, go paint a painting or write a book. (And if you want to be a fucking dictator, I guess these days you just have to go into politics...).

Rule #5: Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to.”

citit si recitit pe

V for Vicodin

Waiting for the episode 12 S05, well.. no additional comments.

gasit la

Make love not God

Si pentru ca ateismul revine din cand in cand la moda, o campanie din Anglia l-a luat pe "nu" in brate si l-a lipit de autobuze si prin gurile de metrou. Nimic nou sub soare, plictiseala si entuziasm cu dintii sparti. Still, if this was a romanian campaign:
Da, fontul ales este Comic Sans, pentru ca alaturi de Hagi, Nadia si Ion Ion Tiriac, isi merita locul in topul chestiilor care ne fac PR in lume. Si hai sa fim seriosi, Comic Sans este pana la urma:
Fara-de-Comic ..ceea ce ironic e o chestie, iar metaforic ne baga in ceata. Zis si facut.

luni, 12 ianuarie 2009

Don't brand me down

Azi a fost cam asa: Cropp, Celio, Fishbone, Fox, Globe, Kenvelo, Element, O'neil, Sony Walkman, Sony-Ericsson, Sony Vaio, Dunhill, dupa care am ajuns la birou si am lasat Vaio langa Imac (sunt obligat sa il folosesc, jur!). La sfarsitul zilei am pus Element pe cap, un Sprider la gat, Sony Walkman on, Kenvelo pe deasupra, O'neil pe umar, Uglydoll langa si m-am repezit spre casa. Dunhill era in buzunar langa Sony-Ericsson. Ajuns. am lasat Kenvelo in cuier, (Sony Walkman in el) langa Sprider si Element, Globe in suport, Celio si Fishbone in sifonier si am intrat in EarthGear si Fabrica, m-am asezat la Ikea si am pornit Sony Vaio, Microsoft, Dell, Fujitsu Siemens, D-link si Sony Bravia. Logitech era pornit. Wacom, LG, Philips, Asus si Xbox 360erau in standby. Mi-e somn. Maine as putea sa United Color of Benetton, Lee Cooper sau Fcuk, Cropp, Adio, QuickSilver, Swatch, Sicko19 si Sony PSP. Desi, daca o sa fie urat afara, merge si un Gsus Sindustries.

Any rebranding ideas?*

* intrebare foarte retorica

Got faith? How much you need?

Desi este un avertisment anti-scientology, headline-ul de mai sus, arata bine in orice context religios ("religulous" vorba unui artist) si lasa acel gust amarui (nu de ciocolata) ce persista pana la primul "Doamne fereste".

i'm not your messenger

Buuun.. si primesc asta:

5:48 - just a simple boy:
vand coarne de dai buzz ala cu
are am vb de ele...restu buzz pt inf

e un citat perfect, pana si culorile sunt identice (asa mi-a iesit la copy/paste). Ma uit in jur, nu rade nimeni, ma uit in celalalt monitor, nimic suspect. Stau putin cu o tigara neaprinsa intre doua degete si nu rad sub nicio forma. E 18.05 si coarnele de cerb sunt probabil in drum spre un perete albastru cu lambriu.. Sau poate totusi cineva (ca mine) le va cumpara ca sa le poata elibera ulterior. Cine stie? Pana la urma messenger-ul da buzz intodeauna de doua ori. Odata pt inf.

The feast of the beast

Ma simt incoltit, zambesc des si visez la nimic concret. Nu sunt spartanul in chiloti impletiti, sunt fiara cu ochii rosii (de nesomn si curent).

joi, 8 ianuarie 2009

Azi e


I R Complain

My complaint about Ddb Bucharest

Although I would very much like to solve the problems of boosterism, simplism, economic inequality, and lack of equal opportunity, there are several obstacles that make it difficult to resolve our disputes without violence. I will briefly adumbrate these obstacles and then refer to them occasionally throughout the body of this letter. Before I launch into my rant, permit me the prelude caveat that Ddb Bucharest is terrified that there might be an absolute reality outside itself, a reality that is what it is, regardless of its wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees. When I say that it is undeniable by anyone but demented, loathsome adolescents that a real fight against crotchety, possession-obsessed authoritarianism can be undertaken only if a basic change in social conditions makes it possible to strip the unjust power from those who seek power over others and over nature, I don't just mean that it wants to make me the target of a constant, consistent, systematic, sustained campaign of attacks, that it wants to create massive civil unrest, or that it wants to detach individuals from traditional sources of strength and identity—family, class, private associations. Sure, Ddb Bucharest indisputably wants all that but it also wants much more. It wants to squeeze every last drop of blood from our overworked, overtaxed bodies.

Ddb Bucharest wants to set the hoops through which we all must jump. What does it think it is? I mean, it recently claimed that once it has approved of something it can't possibly be perverted. I would have found this comment shocking had I not heard similar garbage from it a hundred times before. If you understand that on that basis, I should, at this point, act honorably, then you can comprehend that if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. Ddb Bucharest seems unable to think of turns of speech that aren't hackneyed. What really grates on my nerves, however, is that its prose consists less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning than of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse. Ddb Bucharest's thralls' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be.

While it is reasonable to expect that Ddb Bucharest relies on sweeping generalizations to "prove" that it is clean and bright and pure inside, it remains that everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of Ddb Bucharest". In it, I chronicle all of Ddb Bucharest's tractates from the venom-spouting to the incoherent and conclude that Ddb Bucharest's memoranda are like a Hydra. They continually acquire new heads and new strength. The only way to stunt their growth is to step back and consider the problem of its subliminal psywar campaigns in the larger picture of popular culture imagery. The only way to destroy its Hydra entirely is to provide more people with the knowledge that Ddb Bucharest shouldn't force us to tailor our whinges just to suit its bilious whims. That would be like asking a question at a news conference and, too angry and passionate to wait for the answer, exiting the auditorium before the response. Both of those actions call evil good and good evil.

Ironically, what we have been imparting to Ddb Bucharest—or what it has been eliciting from us—is a half-submerged, barely intended logic, contaminated by wishes and tendencies we prefer not to acknowledge. I have a problem with Ddb Bucharest's use of the phrase, "We all know that...". With this phrase, it doesn't need to prove its claim that McCarthyism is a noble goal; it merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "Ddb Bucharest's indiscretions are indistinguishable from the ones it condemns." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way, but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that our path is set. By this, I mean that in order to get my message about Ddb Bucharest out to the world, we must express our concerns about its imperious personal attacks. I consider that requirement a small price to pay because no one has a higher opinion of Ddb Bucharest than I, and I think Ddb Bucharest's a lackadaisical opportunist.

Ddb Bucharest's list of sins is long and each one deserves more space than I have here. Therefore, rather than describe each one individually, I'll summarize by stating that I wish I didn't have to be the one to break the news that it's an indefatigable spokesman for cameralism. Nevertheless, I cannot afford to pass by anything that may help me make my point. So let me just state that anyone who has spent much time wading through the pious, obscurantist, jargon-filled cant that now passes for "advanced" thought in the humanities already knows that corruption, lying, and hypocrisy are the fundaments of Ddb Bucharest's plans for the future. What may be news, however, is that it is hardly surprising that those who believe that it acts in the public interest are either naive or deliberately misled. There's no need here to present any evidence of that; examples can be found all over the World Wide Web. In fact, a simple search will quickly reveal that Ddb Bucharest is completely gung-ho about pessimism because it lacks more pressing soapbox issues.

Ddb Bucharest has no discernible talents. The only things it has indeed mastered are biological functions. Well, I suppose Ddb Bucharest's also good at convincing people that I'm too craven to make this world a kinder, gentler place, but my point is that Ddb Bucharest has a vested interest in maintaining the myths that keep its camp loyal to it. Its principal myth is that science is merely a tool invented by the current elite to maintain power. The truth is that Ddb Bucharest's projects are merely a stalking horse. They mask its secret intention to let ophidian deadheads run rampant through the streets.

We must give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. Bleeding-heart pipsqueaks don't really want me to allay the concerns of the many people who have been harmed by Ddb Bucharest, although, of course, they all have to pay lip service to the idea. Although brevity is the soul of wit I do need to say quite a bit more about how Ddb Bucharest craves more power. I say we should give it more power—preferably, 10,000 volts of it. I'm not sure whether to classify Ddb Bucharest's hariolations under "paranoia" or "ignorance". This position, in large part, parallels civil libertarianism but with particular emphasis on the fact that I'm not a psychiatrist. Sometimes, though, I wish I were, so that I could better understand what makes organizations like Ddb Bucharest want to block streets and traffic to the extent that ambulances can't get through. One cannot help but notice that Ddb Bucharest's prank phone calls are devoid of any intellectual substance, but given the way things are these days we must remember that the last time I heard Ddb Bucharest ramble on in its characteristically bibulous blather it said something about wanting to weaken family ties. I feel sorry for the human race when I hear stuff like that.

Forgive me for boring you with all the gory details, but Ddb Bucharest has hatched all sorts of brazen plans. Remember its attempt to cheat on taxes? No? That's because Ddb Bucharest's so good at concealing its careless activities. It should come as no shock to anyone that Ddb Bucharest sees itself as a postmodern equivalent of Marx's proletariat, revolutionizing the world by wresting it from its oppressors (viz., those who shine a light on its efforts to push the State towards greater influence, self-preservation, and totalitarianism and away from civic engagement, constituent choice, and independent thought). Ddb Bucharest's shock troops argue that it is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted. These are the same stolid cretins who put political correctness ahead of scientific rigor. This is no coincidence; Ddb Bucharest argues that I am acrimonious for wanting to prescribe a course of action. I should point out that this is almost the same argument that was made against Copernicus and Galileo almost half a millennium ago.

Ddb Bucharest doubtlessly doesn't want me to show it how it is as wrong as wrong can be. Well, I've never been a very obedient dog so I intend not only to do exactly that but also to put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity. Only through education can individuals gain the independent tools they need to feed the starving, house the homeless, cure the sick, and still find wonder and awe in the sunrise and the moonlight. But the first step is to acknowledge that its deputies often reverse the normal process of interpretation. That is, they value the unsaid over the said, the obscure over the clear.

Ddb Bucharest's analects are worthy of a good flush down the toilet. How much more illumination does that fact need before Ddb Bucharest can grasp it? Assuming the answer is "a substantial amount", let me point out that instead of taking the easy path in life, the downward path, we must choose the upward path regardless of the pain, suffering, and sacrifice that this choice entails. Only then can we finally fight to the end for our ideas and ideals. Yes, Ddb Bucharest will try to stop us by turning the trickle of mercantalism into a tidal wave, but people often get the impression that smarmy freaks of nature of one sort or another and Ddb Bucharest's cringers are separate entities. Not so. When one catches cold, the other sneezes. As proof, note that Ddb Bucharest's Praetorian Guard appears to be growing in number. I pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction yet I keep reminding myself that if Ddb Bucharest had even a shred of intellectual integrity, it'd admit that I must part company with many of my peers when it comes to understanding why its précis have no redeeming value. My peers feel that it is incapable of looking with an open mind at anything that doesn't strictly endorse its views. While this is honestly true, I insist we must add that a clever liar can use the truth to tell a monstrous lie. What's my problem, then? Allow me to present it in the form of a question: Is it a professional simpleton or merely a well-meaning amateur? The answer may surprise you, especially when you consider that one thing that it does well is generate an epidemic of corruption and social unrest. I explained the reason for that just a moment ago. If you don't mind, though, I'll go ahead and explain it again. To begin with, if this letter did nothing else but serve as a beacon of truth, it would be worthy of reading by all right-thinking people. However, this letter's role is much greater than just to fight for what is right. The only way out of Ddb Bucharest's rat maze is to shelter initially unpopular truths from suppression, enabling them to ultimately win out through competition in the marketplace of ideas. It's that simple.

Yes, it's all about the complaint-letter-generator.
Get your own copy now!

Why is this ..that?

Ma aflu intr-o situatie "criogenica". Adicatelea am un led aprins, semn ca nu-s mort, dar nu pot executa task-uri foarte complicate, iar creierul e pe "sleep" mai tot timpul. Conserv zeci de skill-uri si o uriasa sursa de entuziasm, inteligenta si creativitate (de calitate). Nu folosesc nimic, mi-e lene si sa zambesc, sa injur sau sa ma enervez din plin. Cu spor. Sau cum dracu vrei sa ii zici. Daca aud o comparatie penibila, gen: ..zombie, va intorc capul la spate! AS VREA EU SA FIU ZOMBIE! Nu-mi iese: nu mor, nu traiesc.. dar cheltuiesc. Sunt un inghetat ce plateste chiria echipamentului (criogenic) si taxele aferente. Stiu ca vine vara, nu ma incurajati dezinteresat, dar in subsolul toxic al Europei nu conteaza ce anotimp bucura civilizatia de (din) afara, eu tot congelat sunt. Alte idei geniale? Ok, shutting down..

soɾ uı lndɐɔ nɔ

˙ǝuıɯ nɹʇuǝd uıʇnd lǝɔ ˙ʇuɐznɯɐ ǝp ınlnɔɐɹp lɐ ǝ qɯıɥɔs uı ˙˙(ʇlnɯ ɐǝɹd ɐzɐǝʇuoɔ nu ıɔıu) nɹɔnl ǝɹɐɯ ıʇǝƃǝlǝʇuı nu ɐɔ nıʇs ıuǝɯǝsɐǝp ˙ıɔıɐ lɐnzıʌ zǝʇsǝʇ o ɹɐop nǝ 'ɐʇsɐ ɐıʇsǝɥɔ ʇɐʇuǝʌuı ɯɐ-u ˙soɾ uı lndɐɔ nɔ sıɹɔs ǝʇsǝ ʇsod ʇsǝɔɐ 'ɹɐʌǝpɐ-ɹʇuı

Life is free

Una dintre cele mai frumoase/metaforice imagini ce pot descrie viata in Romania (dintr-o privire, poate doua pentru unii romani) va invita sa reflectati mai mult de doua ori pe zi la orice altceva in afara de comoditatea de a trai aici. Comoditate de proasta calitate, biensur.


The search engine that man was not meant to know.

Dear best buyer:

"I would like to ask you the goods you receive?"

Dear best seller:
Recieve the goods i will. Soon i hope.

That Thing, The Thing

Un tribut animat John Carpenter realizat cu drag de trupa franceza Zombie Zombie (Etienne Jaumet and Cosmic Neman) si regizat de Simon Gesrel si Xavier Ehretsmann in stil GI Joe. Yeah, that's more like it!

marți, 6 ianuarie 2009

I'll be back.

So it was. My dear friend S is here to stay.
Welcome home!

Z day

Da, probabil ca sunt obsedat si "putin" blocat pe subiectul asta (so juicy) asa ca imi permit sa revin cu o manifestare destul de interesanta (aparent executata in San Francisco) si pe alocuri inspaimantatoare. Jos palaria domnilor, timp folosit cu cap (de zombie, ce-i drept) distractie si shopping pana la sange. O zi la care visam adesea, lipiti cu fundul de un ergonomic, cu castile infundate in urechea interna.

mai multe poze vezi la sursa.

luni, 5 ianuarie 2009