marți, 30 iunie 2009
Communication is bliss
[fabz]: I think we need to work on our communication.. one guy is talking crap, one just goes "lol" and the other one doesn't understand what's going on
[atsleek]: lol
[nefemus]: what?
Athterisk at your own risk

Also take a wild God-free tour in to the nothing with some of the famous people here:, and here.
luni, 29 iunie 2009
Trailer-ul e gata, iar pana in noiembrie banuiesc ca pot distruge cgi-stic toata lumea. Revin cu amanunte... daca imi amintesc sa o fac.
Coboy Bebop moves

photo: Keanu Reeves / Spike Spiegel
img source:
sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2009
vineri, 26 iunie 2009
MJ dies, Propaganda lives!

So click for fresh stuff NOW and HERE
joi, 25 iunie 2009
Ghibli 4ever
Nu stiu cum imi scapa unele chestii importante. Probabil nici nu trebuie ...cert e ca "Ponyo" nu-i de ratat! Asa cum nu este (si nu va fi) nici o productie a studiourilor Ghibli. Si cum Hayao "Miyazaki delivers another classic.", e rost de subiect, fantezie, culoare si tot ceea ce restul animatiilor nu vor putea sa ne dea vreodata. Viva Japan!
Gake no ue no Ponyo (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea) - Hayao Miyazaki
Gake no ue no Ponyo (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea) - Hayao Miyazaki
miercuri, 24 iunie 2009
luni, 22 iunie 2009
Apocalipse now?
sâmbătă, 20 iunie 2009
Good zombie news!
Zombieland este aparent un loc familiar celor ce traiesc in Bucuresti city. Dar nu este nici pe departe atat de amuzant si "plin de viata" ca cel ilustrat in filmul cu acelasi nume. Film ce il readuce in atentia putinilor fani pe Woody Harrleson si in zombifica pe Bill Murray. Astea fiind spuse, trailerul vazut, nu ramane decat sa mai asteptam pana la iarna. I'm in!!
Zombieland (2009)- by Ruben Fleischer
Zombieland (2009)- by Ruben Fleischer
vineri, 19 iunie 2009
joi, 18 iunie 2009
Propaganda or bust!
To be or not to be coloured
miercuri, 17 iunie 2009
Banksy museum
Banksy versus
Bristol Museum
June 13th - August 31st
Bristol Museum
Queen's Road, Bristol.
Free entry
Cool shit cat
Cat Shit One - Animated series
Production: Studio Anima, Director: Kazuya Sasahara. Original Manga (released in the USA as "Apocalypse Meow"): Motofumi Kobayashi.
Jap site here.
Jap site here.
Rock a my baby (part two)
Asadar de la stanga la dreapta: Zack de la Rocha, Eddie Vedder, Van Halen, Tommy Lee, Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Neil Young, Marilyn Manson, Kirk Hammett, Anthony Kiedis, Kid Rock, Johnny Cash, Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin, Iggy Pop, James Hetfield, Flea, Kurt Cobain, Billy Crogan, Axl Rose, Conor Oberst, Jim Morrison, Bruce Springsteen and the bonus is... Eminem of course!
Flashy news
Elementary school accidentally shows porn
BROOKLYN, N.Y., June 14 (UPI) -- A hardcore pornographic movie was accidentally screened at PS 17 in Brooklyn, N.Y., school officials said. [...] read here
Si varianta autohtona a stirii:
Elevii unei scoli au invatat din greseala limba romana
marți, 16 iunie 2009
Beat it!
UK man dresses up
like Darth Vader, beats up
"Star Wars" nerds
source:, full article.
Ma intreb in ce te poti costuma pentru a bate romani?
like Darth Vader, beats up
"Star Wars" nerds
source:, full article.
Ma intreb in ce te poti costuma pentru a bate romani?
Hell yeah!
Where is limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, wrath, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery you have found Hell. Well.. that's a good job! Have fun now! (full screen it for gruesome details)
Dantes' Inferno - EA Redwood Shores (for Xbox360, PS3 and PSP)
Dantes' Inferno - EA Redwood Shores (for Xbox360, PS3 and PSP)
Rock a my baby

Raspusurile corecte in numarul urmator.
(asta daca nu gasiti pagina din
marți, 9 iunie 2009
vineri, 5 iunie 2009
miercuri, 3 iunie 2009
News title
Masterstroke: Man who couldn't even draw stickmen wakes from brain surgery... as a talented artist
By Daily Mail Reporter article
Is there hope for a reverse surgery?
By Daily Mail Reporter article
Is there hope for a reverse surgery?
luni, 1 iunie 2009
The last supper. For Him.
Remake my ass!
Din cauza unor zvonuri precoce despre remake-ul Alien-ului lui Ridley Scott(1979), multi si-au pus intrebarea (pe blog, site, forum, tweeter, facebook etc) oare ce film (consacrat) nu va fi atins vreodata de virusul necrutator al remake-ului (sau dupa caz, al sequel-ului)? Va las sa meditati cu grija la subiect si postati parerea voastra mai jos. Oh, you can't, can't you?
Well.. there we have it.
Well.. there we have it.

Well.. guess again cocksuckers! You win shit!
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